Tuesday, June 29, 2010
34 Weeks
Today we went to the doctors for a regularly scheduled appointment.....I am still feeling good, no more problems :). Max is doing great. His heart rate was 154 today. My blood pressure still great at 112/70. I am up 3 more pounds for a total of 18, still doing good there. Max is measuring 35 weeks, but Dr. P said that's good, nothing to worry about. Dr. P's office has me at 33 weeks and 5 days today but Scott and I have us at 34 weeks and 4 days. So by our date Max is right on track, by Dr. P's dates Max is still good but a good sized. We go back on July 13th for our next appointment.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Home sweet home!!
We are finally home! Only 2 nights in the hospital. I have been feeling great, no more pain. Max was still looking great on the monitors, no contractions. Dr. P felt that the 36 hours of IV fluids and IV antibiotics will hold me till monday when she will get my urine culture results back so she can get me on oral antibiotics. We have a routine appointment with her on tuesday, so we will see her again then.
Scott wants all future dads who will be having a baby at Williamson Medical Center to be warned- the pull out chair beds are hard and very small. He had some rough nights trying to sleep. He is planning on bringing a blow up mattress or the egg shell cushion for when Max makes his entrance to this world.

Friday, June 25, 2010
Crazy week
I'll start this post on Sat (6/19/10). We went to a wedding that afternoon...Congrats Julie and Bryan! The wedding was beautiful. After the wedding we went to the reception and about an hour into the reception I started to have a little sharp pain to my left lower side of my abdomen. I waited a little while and it wasn't going away. I didn't think it was a contraction because it was constant and contractions are supposed to come and go. I had worked the previous 4 days in a row and was tired so I figured if I went home and laid down I would start feeling better. The reception was like 2 minutes from our house so I left Scott there and told him if I needed anything I'd let him know. I went home laid down for about 30 min and in this time the pain just got worse. I got really nauseated and almost threw up. I called and left a message for Dr. P and then called Scott and said we were going to the hospital b/c I shouldn't be hurting this bad. By the time I was leaving the house Dr P called back and she said it sounded like Max was sitting on some nerves and that is why I was having this sharp constant pain to just one area. She said to lay on my right side and try to get him to move, if not better to go to hospital. Well about an hour later almost back to new.
Sunday was my Shower in Eagleville. Aunt Jackie, Carol, Neen, and Aunt Glenda threw the shower for Max, Scott, and me. We had a good time and Max got quite a few goodies! Thanks again for everything from everyone!! I have just a few pictures because other people took the majority, but here they are.
Now I was quite impressed with Williamson Medical Center. I went to the ER, got registered right away and was up in a OB room with in 15 minutes. They hooked me up to the monitor and saw right away that Max was fine, heart rate was great and no contractions. I left a urine sample which showed a lot of blood and a little bacteria. So the conclusion of a Kidney stone was reached and because I was no longer hurting the Dr said I could go home if I wanted. Needless to say we got the hospital about 9:45 and left by 12:30.
Monday and Tuesday felt fine no issues at all!! :)
Wednesday the day went good. I spent it inside enjoying the hot weather from the cool air conditioning. Wed night I had a little pain starting so I took a pain pill the dr sent me home with. It knocked me out! When I woke up Thurs morning I was still a little achy but I took some Tylenol and Scott and I headed to work. Scott works with me a few days a month. About 9:15 that morning I started hurting pretty good again. I called my boss to have her come in and then called Dr. P She wanted me to come to the office. The ride to the office was horrible! I was really hurting. I did take a pain pill along the way and by the time the doctor came in to see me I was felling a little better. However Dr P wanted to admit me, give my IV fluids, IV morphine, and do a ultrasound to check for kidney stones.
Now I have never been a patient so it has been a little different but I think I am being a good pt :)
Current update on everything- Renal Ultrasound showed no stones but my left ureter was dilated meaning I have passed a stone. I also have a little renal colic which can cause the same pain as a kidney stone. My clean catch urine was showing normal but after a in and out Cath(yeah that was fun) my urine showed a "ragin" UTI that oral antibiotics will not touch(at least not right now) so I am on IV antibiotics. UTI's can cause preterm labor so that is one reason IV antibiotics are a must. Dr. P said this morning that she wants to see the urine culture results and be on IV antibiotics for at least 24 hours. By the way she talked I will probably be here tonight too. I am feeling much better today. No pain. I slept great thanks to an ambien, Scott however didn't sleep well on the hard pull out chair. I'll do another post of anything changes. Oh and they check Max every shift and he is a trooper! Doing great!
Monday, June 14, 2010
32 Weeks
This past Sat marked the beginning of our 32nd week. I am including a oh so lovely picture of me... Anyways today we went to the doctors. I have gained 5lbs for a total of 15 with the dr said is great and that with my swelling probably half if not more is water weight. Blood pressure today was 120/77 and Max's heart rate was 144. I asked Dr P if we could see Max so we went to the next room and she did a quick ultrasound. He is now head down(I was thinking he was b/c I have been feeling kicking in different places now) and in her own words "I can't print a picture because he is so hugh". Hugh....oh my. She doesn't know how big he is, but he is supposed to be somewhere about 19inches long and weigh about 4lbs. She said he did look right on track. Our next appointment is the 29th.
Tonight is our second breastfeeding class. Wish Scott luck!! :)
Oh and here are also a few pics of some artwork for Max's room. We are trying to decide which set to use....let us know by putting a comment about which set you like more.
Jacob's 19th birthday
Sunday Scott's cousin Jacob turned 19. Last year after his 18th birthday Jacob, along with his friend Ryan, came out to Las Vegas for a few days to visit and we showed them the town:) This year we just went over to Aunt Jackie's house for a cookout. Most of Scott's family was there so it was a good time to catch up. Once again it was 95+ out and the heat just about did me in. After his party we went home and I took a cold shower and layed on the sofa for the rest of the night.
Scott's 11 year class reunion
Sat we spent the day at work then ran off to Eagleville for Scott's class reunion. They didn't have a reunion last year so Scott along with 3 of his classmates got together and planned one for this year. They had a cookout at Amanda's house. Needless to say Saturday the temp was I believe 95 plus whatever the heat index was. I had sweat dripping off me....gross :) I went inside and sat a few times by myself in the air conditioning to cool off. I did drink a ton of water, didn't want to get dehydrated. Scott graduated with 42 people and there was a good group that showed up.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Grand Ole Opry

Tonight Scott and I went to the Grand Ole Opry. We ordered our tickets the morning of the flood in Nashville. Well needless to say the opry house was flooded so the show got moved to the municipal auditorium. We had good seats at the Opry, but once moved to the new location they sold more tickets and you didn't know where you would be sitting till you got there. Needless to say our seats were way up in the balcony and the people on stage were the size of my pinkie. We still had a good time. Trisha Yearwood, Josh Turner, Little Jimmy Dickens(he is super funny!!!), and Carrie Underwood were just a few of the people there.
Breastfeeding class
Last night Scott and I went to our first breastfeeding class(there are 2). Scott is all for breastfeeding and is actually the one who bugged me about registering for a class. For anyone who knows Scott, going to this class is a big deal for him, he loves to joke in situations like that. Needless to say the class was very informative but neither Scott or I could look at each other for fear of busting out laughing. The instructor walked around with a fake breast holding a baby to it and Scott was torn up, also the proper terminology was about to do him in. The next class is the 14th and 2 of our friends Kala and Wayne will also be at that class...let's hope we don't get kicked out!
I don't think Max is going to have hair
The old wives tail about heart burn and hair on a baby has actually been proven to be true...so I guess that means our little babe is going to be bald. I have had some occasional heart burn, mainly towards the beginning, but really no issues. Knock on wood. I have even been eating wings from Toot's(one of my fav local establishments) 2-3 times a weeks and no problems.
Speaking of wings I have also been wanting and eating a lot of ribs recently. Oh and lots of fresh fruit! Yummy watermelon and cherries! Basically I am in a meat on the bone/fruit phase. I have had a few food phases in my pregnancy: Steak, Chicken fried rice, pasta, and now my meat on bone/fruit. I haven't had any weird cravings I just get stuck on one thing and want it every day! Scott thinks I'm crazy and yet he still asks me what I want for dinner and laughs when I tell him, even though he should know the answer by now :)
Speaking of wings I have also been wanting and eating a lot of ribs recently. Oh and lots of fresh fruit! Yummy watermelon and cherries! Basically I am in a meat on the bone/fruit phase. I have had a few food phases in my pregnancy: Steak, Chicken fried rice, pasta, and now my meat on bone/fruit. I haven't had any weird cravings I just get stuck on one thing and want it every day! Scott thinks I'm crazy and yet he still asks me what I want for dinner and laughs when I tell him, even though he should know the answer by now :)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Bad Blogger
Ok so I haven't updated in like 2 weeks, sorry! No excuse, just didn't.
Scott is offically out of school/work for the summer and he has been spending his days that I'm working doing pretty much nothing, and enjoying it! The day's I'm off I keep him busy! Last Sunday we had our friends Amy, Danny, and Madison Claire over and had a little cookout. Madison Claire loved the bubbles!

Friday afternoon we went over to Scott's friend Amanda's house. They will be having his 11year class reunion(don't ask) there next weekend and Scott along with a few other showed up to do some yard work. I went but said no yard work for me! Instead I watched Amanda's little boy Wyatt. He is almost 5 months old and a cutie!

This weekend we went back to Babies-R-Us and picked up the glider chair for the nursery. After a lot of frustration and Scott almost loosing his big toe nail, the chair is now in the nursery! Thats not all that has been going on in the nursery. We spent most of yesterday cleaning, organizing, and getting the room ready. All that is left is to get some artwork up in the walls. I am a visual person so I ordered 4 pictures and once they get here we will decide what looks best, and then I'll return what we don't use. Look below for some pictures.
Max also got his first package in the mail. His Great Aunt Joann mailed him some super cute things! He kicked me he was so excited! Speaking of kicking, Last night Scott finally felt Max kick for the first time!
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