Wednesday, April 7, 2010

There was a PENIS!!!

Well today Scott and I went for our big ultrasound where they check all the limbs and organs. They also will look for the sex if you want. I told the tech they we were almost positive it was a girl but of course we wanted to find out. Sex was the last thing the tech looked for. The US was really cool, we got to see all the organs as she was measuring them and all the fingers and toes. It was really interesting see the whole baby. At the end the tech started looking for the sex, but the babe had it's legs crossed and the umbilical cord was between it's legs. After a bunch of shaking and trying to get the babe to spread those legs she had me roll to my side and that was the magic trick. She was looking and said well I may have some bad news for you....It's a BOY!!! And it sure was!! Max had the perfect turtle...the testicles are the turtle shell and the penis is the turtle head sticking out of the shell. There was no denying it! So now I feel bad for calling Max Izzy for the last 4 weeks. Scott was excited right away but I was in shock. I still kinda am. I had all these plans for the room, her growing up, even bought a few things, and got some stuff form friends. I kept receipts just in case and I guess now I will have to use them.

We went and registered at target and toysrus/babiesrus after the appointment and I searched the Internet and found new bedding, so I am felling better about this whole boy thing. While we were at toysrus we got Max 2 swim suites for the beach...I has a few for Izzy but will have to return them. Below is a picture of Izzy's closet and now Max's. There is quite a difference, but it's OK.

Here are some picture from todays ultrasound. We also got a DVD...If I get real jazzy I may try to figure out if I can upload some/all of it on here.

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