Monday, May 24, 2010
The Berrys!
We drove home from Florida Monday. My friends Nikki and Jacob had been in Columbia visiting and I thought we might not get to see them, but we made it work and ended up meeting them in Spring Hill for dinner. They had a new baby in Feb, Hudson...He is such a cutie!! When their daughter Macy was a baby every time I held her she cried....Hudson on the other hand must like me, not a single tear! It was great seeing them!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thursday evening when I got home from work Scott and I jumped in the car and headed south! My friend Erin was getting married in Destin on Sunday. We stayed the night somewhere in Alabama and got to Destin about noon on Friday. Erin rented a big beach house for her family and Scott and I also stayed there. It was very nice, across the street from the beach, and had it's own pool. We spent Friday by the pool and then Sat at the beach all day. I got some sun but spent most of the day under an umbrella(I still ended up burned in spots...as always). There was a large fraternity/sorority group that set up a giant slip-n-slide that went into the ocean next to us. They walked up and down the beach getting people to come and try it out, of course the boys with us had to try it. There is a picture posted of Aidan running with a sorority girl(the only way he would run down....starting early) and one of Jayson(Erin's son) sliding down it.
A few of the girls from the hospital in Columbia came, so it was great to spend some time with them! Erin and I went to nursing school together...well part of it...and worked together for many years at the hospital.
Erin's wedding was on Sunday so that was a busy day! I helped Erin plan her wedding so when the big day came I fell into the roll of wedding planner/wedding coordinator. Erin's sisters decorated, and I made sure everything was running smoothly. Needless to say I did ask for help and had Scott doing a bunch of little things. The wedding was beautiful! Perfect weather and Erin was gorgeous! Scott had an adopted trial run son during the wedding, Aidan. He clung to Scott during the wedding and at the reception. Scott was like his makeshift daddy, it was great practice for him!
The reception went off without a hitch and after a lot of running around, taking pictures, setting things up I finally sat down and put my feet up. And it was much needed! My feet were the same size as my knees! I was extremely swollen, so yes I did overdo it, but all is well :) A big thank you to Erin, Casey, and all of the Terry family for a great time and getting to meet and spend time with all of you!!
I think max really took to the beach, I feel like he has really grown! My scrubs that I wore before going didn't fit when we got home!

A few of the girls from the hospital in Columbia came, so it was great to spend some time with them! Erin and I went to nursing school together...well part of it...and worked together for many years at the hospital.
Erin's wedding was on Sunday so that was a busy day! I helped Erin plan her wedding so when the big day came I fell into the roll of wedding planner/wedding coordinator. Erin's sisters decorated, and I made sure everything was running smoothly. Needless to say I did ask for help and had Scott doing a bunch of little things. The wedding was beautiful! Perfect weather and Erin was gorgeous! Scott had an adopted trial run son during the wedding, Aidan. He clung to Scott during the wedding and at the reception. Scott was like his makeshift daddy, it was great practice for him!
The reception went off without a hitch and after a lot of running around, taking pictures, setting things up I finally sat down and put my feet up. And it was much needed! My feet were the same size as my knees! I was extremely swollen, so yes I did overdo it, but all is well :) A big thank you to Erin, Casey, and all of the Terry family for a great time and getting to meet and spend time with all of you!!
I think max really took to the beach, I feel like he has really grown! My scrubs that I wore before going didn't fit when we got home!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Countdown to completion
Eagleville Shower
Today we had our first shower. It was at Scott's work, Eagleville School. The people he work with are not just coworkers but they are our friends. Two of the teachers that were there today taught Scott when he was little. There was even someone there who was saw Scott the day he was born. It just amazes me how close everyone is. The only people I know who saw me the day I was born are my family and I can't even remember who my elementary teachers were. Anyways it was a great time with great people. Thanks so much for everything we really appreciate it!

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Green, Green, Green
Sundays used to be our lazy days, now they have become busy days! I guess we better get used to no more lazy days anyways. The day was spent cleaning, doing laundry, and painting Max's room! That's right Max now has green walls, very green walls. The room is a little more green then we wanted, but it will have to work. Scott did all the painting, I just took some pictures. Here are some pics...warning you may need sunglasses :)
Oh and a shout out to my brother Jimmy for the sherwin williams paint discount!!

Oh and a shout out to my brother Jimmy for the sherwin williams paint discount!!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
28 weeks
Today I am 28 weeks! Starting the 3rd trimester. I finally decided to put up a pregnancy picture of me. I don't have the typical pregnancy belly, I just look really big. Plus Max stays at my belly button and above, so I am biggest at the top of my stomach. He is laying sideways with his head to my right side and his butt to my left. I usually feel him kicking away to my lower left side. When I went to the doctor I asked her if I was right on how he was laying and she said yes, even though he isn't head down no need to worry about it yet.
Friday, May 14, 2010
I can still eat Ice Cream!!
I never heard back from the doctors office about my glucose test, which no news is good news, but I had to know. So I called up there today and asked if my results were in and if they were normal....YES!!!! I am so relieved, I was really worried. Anyways all is good :)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
27 1/2 week Dr appointment
Today I went for another doctors appointment. Everything is looking good. Max's heart rate was 156. I have only gained a total of 12 pounds so far and I am swollen everyday now so some of that is fluid, oh and Max should weight about 2pounds so take that into account too :) My blood pressure is still good, 100/70 today, so even though I am swelling no need to worry. I had my glucose test before my appointment which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The stuff you drink is like a flat orange soda with a lot of extra sugar in it. I am worried that it may come back positive because being overweight puts me at risk, so we will see! I should get the results tomorrow.
Monday, May 10, 2010
What to do on a rainy day?
Sister(well Scott's sister Ashley) is home from college for a few days before heading off to Florida for the summer.....I know you can hate her too :) She is staying with us for a few days so we went out and about today. The only downside was it was rainy and cold. Soooo what to do, shop? Would love too, but don't need too...instead we went to a paint pottery store. I brought the fabric swatch for Max's bedding for a reference. I painted a light switch cover and Ashley painted a little cross. The colors in the picture will get darker once the pottery is fired and glazed. I will get pictures of the final project up once they are ready on Sunday. Keep in mind I am not artistic at all, but I think I did a pretty good job :)
Goin' to the Chapel...
One of my wonderful friends Erin is getting married May 23rd in Florida and her bachelorette party was this past Sat. Now Erin was torn up because I am pregnant and can't celebrate like I normally would...and normally have in the past! We have some great bachelorette party stories! I made it through dinner but decided not to go out to the bars with the group. I am so excited she has found a great guy and can not wait for her wedding!! Love you Erin!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Jimmy's Visit!
My brother Jimmy, who is in the army, recently got back from Iraq. He was given a week's leave to come home and get his car to drive back to El Paso Texas. My dad and him came over Wed night and went and celebrated cinco de mayo the only way I can this year, by just eating Mexican food.....no Margarita's this year :( Anyways here are a couple pictures from dinner.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Handman Larry strikes again!!
Tuesday evening Handyman Larry came by along with Scott's mom. When I got home from work Max almost had a crib!! After a little more work by Scott and Larry it was complete! Scott and I had won VIP Golden Tickets to the new Toots and they were for Tuesday night, free food! We couldn't pass it up but Larry was so engrossed in putting together the changing table and hutch, he passed so we brought him back some wings :) When we got back he sent Scott out to the store for wood glue, he was not going to put the table together without wood glue!! Anyways we got everything put together except the drawers because they need to be glued and set to dry for several days...Larry's orders :) Here are some pictures. We still need to paint the room and planning on painting the dresser black.

Sunday, May 2, 2010
It's raining cats and dogs!!
Well for the past 2 days here in Middle TN it has been raining like no other!! The pictures and video's on the news is crazy! Here at the house it isn't too bad...knock on wood. I've put a few pictures up, including one of one of the Rose bushes I planted...I hope it survives!
On Max news...I have felt Max move once yesterday on the outside and twice so far today!! When Scott came to feel he got shy and stopped moving around. So I am hoping in this next week Scott will be able to feel him move!
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