Sunday, January 9, 2011

Starting the new year

We have had a busy start to the new year. Scott and I went to a party with some friends and Max spent the night with aunt Jackie on NYE. We left shortly after the ball drop and headed home, I just wanted to go home and sleep. Yeah I know no fun anymore but I will take advantage of any sleep I can get!

I started my new full time job on the 3rd and am sooooo excited! I am now working 4 days a week and get vacation time and a retirement plan!! This is my first job that I have ever had that has any benefits! Not only that but I am working with GREAT people!! I have also joined the world of Ebaying(thanks to Amy) and have some of Max's item's up for sale. That is a job in its self!

Scott and I have planned(well mainly me...I love to plan!!) a trip to New york city in March for Scott's spring break/our anniversary. We are so excited and this will be Max's 2nd big trip(first was to the beach). All we really have planned is to do the double decker bus--easier to sight see with Max, and Scott and I are going to a show. I have a friend from college/work and his wife and kids that live in Brooklyn so wonderful Nikki has said she would love to watch Max while we go see the show! They have a son who is about 6months older than Max so they will have a great time playing! I splurged and got a new stroller for our big trip. It is a Maclaren. They are all over the city and by far the most popular stroller in NYC. They fold up quickly, have a shoulder strap, and are light so perfect for going down to the subway and weaving in and out of walking traffic.

Max is continuing to grow and change everyday! He now hates to lay down. He wants to sit! He try's so hard to sit up when he is laying down. I am thinking in the next few weeks he will be sitting up on his own. He is still bobble's some but does pretty good with pillows propped up around him. He is also big enough to start using some of his cool things we got as shower gifts. He loves his froggy bouncer!!

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