Monday, July 26, 2010

Crazy day

This morning I went back to the doctors. On my last visit Dr. P did some tests to check me for PIH(pregnancy induced hypertension). She said if my blood kidney levels(Creatine) were 0.6 or 0.7 and my 24 hour urine protein levels were over 300 then I did have PIH and we would deliver Max sooner then later. Well my urine results were not back this morning for my visit but my blood tests were. My blood creatine level was 0.69. So Dr. P said as soon as we got the urine results back we would know more but that we would have him this weekend no matter what. No change in my cervix from last Thursday. Dr. P also checked my amniotic fluid level by doing an ultrasound and it is a 12(normal is about 8-18). A low level can put the baby in stress, so we are good there. She also checked to see if Max is in stress by watching his breathing patterns during the ultrasound and once again she said he looked great! I did see his hands and they looked chubby! Dr P thinks he weighs about 7lbs 2oz's but that is just her guess, nothing official. I left Dr P's office with an appointment for Thursday morning hoping we would have my urine results and know more about what is going on and when Max will be here.

After the appointment I went to work. I was at work for about 3 hours when my urine results came in....they weren't very good. I faxed them to Dr P and then she called me with the news. My total protein level in my 24 hour urine was 460. Normal is below 150 and she said a pregnant woman with a level above 300 has PIH. Needless to say Dr P said "Lacey you are now on .....BED REST" ahhhh bed rest! I am not a bed rest kind of person. I do think it is a little funny that I was at work when my Dr told me I needed to be on bed rest. I held out till the end! Dr P also asked me what day I wanted Max to be born. I said can it at least be Thursday because Scott needs to get back out to his classroom a few more times to get everything ready for the Sub and the beginning of the year. She chuckled and said yes. She said b/c I have an appointment with her on Thursday morning just to come to my appointment and we would decide then if I will go over to the hospital then or wait till Fri, possible Sat. Of course I was also given instructions to keep an eye on my blood pressure and if I got headaches, got dizzy, or nauseated to call her and come on in to the hospital.

Now Max is making his weekend arrival on one of the most inconvenient weekends for our families. Of course isn't that what babies do? :) My dad and step mom had a trip planned to the mountains, now cancelled :(, My cousin John is getting married Sat in Michigan and my mom is coming here instead of the wedding so is missing out on seeing family she hasn't seen in a long time, and Scott's sister is graduating from college Sat near Chattanooga and his family is heading there for most of the day. So it has been crazy for everyone trying to fix their schedules but I am not going to worry about it, I am just going to focus on having a healthy happy birth with Max and Scott.

I am feeling good. Just tired and worn down. Still swollen. I plan on reading some books and watching lots of TV for the next few days....and hopefully not going insane ;)

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