We have got all of Max's nursery furnishings except a chair and his bedding. The bedding will be here in Mid may and we still have to decide on a chair. But here is a new picture of all the stuff we have to put together!! AHHHH!

Friday, April 30, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Yard work
Sunday we spent the afternoon doing a little yard work. We had a big empty bed in the backyard and we finally decided to get some knockout roses to plant in it. They look small now but will be big enough soon. We were also in desperate need to trim our bushes. After the torrential downpour's Sat, they grew about a foot! I realize our big one doesn't look too pretty but after a couple weeks it will plump back up, we just had to really cut it back!
Oh and if anyone knows what the flower in the last picture is please let us know! I really like them and would like to plant more.

Oh and if anyone knows what the flower in the last picture is please let us know! I really like them and would like to plant more.
Week 25
Yesterday(Sat) was the beginning of our 25th week. Max should now measuring 13 1/2 inches from head to heals and weight should be about a pound and a half. Here is a link to read a little more about this week http://www.babycenter.com/6_your-pregnancy-25-weeks_1114.bc?read_more=1&scid=mbtw_preg25:733&pe=2UywQKx
This past week was a long one. After 5 long days of work, plus add in a nasty sinus infection for me, I am defiantly going to enjoy today off! Friday after work I went by our friend Kala's house for her birthday! There were a bunch of people there and as always much fun was had! Kala is 26 weeks pregnant with twins! I need to get a picture of us to compare the difference of 1 1/2 weeks and twins compared to a single. Because there is a difference!!
This past week was a long one. After 5 long days of work, plus add in a nasty sinus infection for me, I am defiantly going to enjoy today off! Friday after work I went by our friend Kala's house for her birthday! There were a bunch of people there and as always much fun was had! Kala is 26 weeks pregnant with twins! I need to get a picture of us to compare the difference of 1 1/2 weeks and twins compared to a single. Because there is a difference!!
Sat. after work I came home and took a much needed nap and then we met up with some friends for dinner at Camino Real. It was Camino's 20th anniversary being in Murfreesboro so there food was half off! Yummy!
We have started getting our baby stuff in the mail. Max's crib came on Wed and his mattress on Thursday. We should be getting our changing table and hutch this next week!! Of course everything is still in the box and will be for several more weeks. We have to remove a bunch of furniture from his room and get it in the attic and then paint. Scott is going to redo the chest of drawers and paint it black for Max and then we can start putting everything together. Most of this will probably be done this summer once Scott is off of work. This is his room now, like I said nothing has been done and a pic of his crib and mattress!
Monday, April 19, 2010
A 3 Day Weekend!!
I had a rare 3 day weekend, so of course we took advantage of it! Sat morning we got up and went to cracker barrel...Max's fav!!! Then we went to Cannonsburg village here in Murfreesboro. Cannonsburg is a pioneer village from the 1800's. They were having pioneer days and all the buildings open, civil war reenactors, and people dressed in pioneer outfits. I really enjoyed it! Add to it the weather was perfect!!! I forgot my camera so no pictures. Sat evening we went to a surprise housewarming party for one of our friends Amy. She was really shocked when she came in her house and all of us were there. She kept saying "how did you get in my house, no really how did you get in". We had a lot of fun!
Sunday I went to Columbia and went to the gun range with my dad. This is something I have been doing with my dad for as long as I can remember. Oh and I did research before going, as long as the gun range was outside and I didn't get shot it was perfectly safe to go. It had been awhile since I had gone but I am still a good shot!! We both had a lot of fun! I really enjoyed shooting the metal targets and knocking them down. There were 13 targets and I got them all down with 14 shots...yes I missed one, I was mad!! Here are a few pictures
The targets are up..

now they are down

Monday(today) I went back to Columbia to go see some old work friends. It was fun catching up! Then I went to Lunch with Loretta at square market. Square Market was soooo good, my company wasn't bad either ;). After lunch we went to Ye Peddler and Loretta bought her first Vera!
Now to rest with my foot up, it's a bit swollen after being on it 3 days straight!
Sunday I went to Columbia and went to the gun range with my dad. This is something I have been doing with my dad for as long as I can remember. Oh and I did research before going, as long as the gun range was outside and I didn't get shot it was perfectly safe to go. It had been awhile since I had gone but I am still a good shot!! We both had a lot of fun! I really enjoyed shooting the metal targets and knocking them down. There were 13 targets and I got them all down with 14 shots...yes I missed one, I was mad!! Here are a few pictures
The targets are up..
now they are down
Monday(today) I went back to Columbia to go see some old work friends. It was fun catching up! Then I went to Lunch with Loretta at square market. Square Market was soooo good, my company wasn't bad either ;). After lunch we went to Ye Peddler and Loretta bought her first Vera!
Now to rest with my foot up, it's a bit swollen after being on it 3 days straight!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
23 week Dr appointment
Today was a routine appointment. I got the results of the big US from last week. Dr P said everything looked good, all the organs, bones, fingers, and toes were perfect!! Max was in the 46th percentile(50 is normal, below 50 is small and above 50 is big), so basically he is right on track. I am right on track too. I have officially gained one pound. Technically I have gained 4lbs, but I had lost a few pounds during my first trimester so I had a little leeway. I was down 6lbs from my last visit 1 weeks ago when I went in for sudden swelling. So I really did have a lot of fluid on me. Today I don't think I was swollen at all. My blood pressure today was 103/70, excellent! My next appointment is May12th(I think it is my last 4 weeks appointment, then every 2 weeks). At that appointment I will have my glucose tolerance test to check for gestational diabetes.
On another note we have decided on childcare. One of the mothers of Scott's cheerleaders does childcare in the home and had taken last year off but decided she really missed having little ones around, so she is back in business. We are very excited to be using Cathy!!
On another note we have decided on childcare. One of the mothers of Scott's cheerleaders does childcare in the home and had taken last year off but decided she really missed having little ones around, so she is back in business. We are very excited to be using Cathy!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
There was a PENIS!!!
Well today Scott and I went for our big ultrasound where they check all the limbs and organs. They also will look for the sex if you want. I told the tech they we were almost positive it was a girl but of course we wanted to find out. Sex was the last thing the tech looked for. The US was really cool, we got to see all the organs as she was measuring them and all the fingers and toes. It was really interesting see the whole baby. At the end the tech started looking for the sex, but the babe had it's legs crossed and the umbilical cord was between it's legs. After a bunch of shaking and trying to get the babe to spread those legs she had me roll to my side and that was the magic trick. She was looking and said well I may have some bad news for you....It's a BOY!!! And it sure was!! Max had the perfect turtle...the testicles are the turtle shell and the penis is the turtle head sticking out of the shell. There was no denying it! So now I feel bad for calling Max Izzy for the last 4 weeks. Scott was excited right away but I was in shock. I still kinda am. I had all these plans for the room, her growing up, even bought a few things, and got some stuff form friends. I kept receipts just in case and I guess now I will have to use them.
We went and registered at target and toysrus/babiesrus after the appointment and I searched the Internet and found new bedding, so I am felling better about this whole boy thing. While we were at toysrus we got Max 2 swim suites for the beach...I has a few for Izzy but will have to return them. Below is a picture of Izzy's closet and now Max's. There is quite a difference, but it's OK.

Here are some picture from todays ultrasound. We also got a DVD...If I get real jazzy I may try to figure out if I can upload some/all of it on here.

We went and registered at target and toysrus/babiesrus after the appointment and I searched the Internet and found new bedding, so I am felling better about this whole boy thing. While we were at toysrus we got Max 2 swim suites for the beach...I has a few for Izzy but will have to return them. Below is a picture of Izzy's closet and now Max's. There is quite a difference, but it's OK.
Here are some picture from todays ultrasound. We also got a DVD...If I get real jazzy I may try to figure out if I can upload some/all of it on here.

Monday, April 5, 2010
Unexpected Dr Visit
As I have mentioned in my last few posts I have been starting to swell. Well this weekend the swelling got pretty noticeable and I was having 2+ pitting edema in both of my shins. that basically mean really bad swelling that when I push in on my shin there in a deep dent that takes awhile to pop back out. I have checked my blood pressure several times and it is normal 120's/low 80's. Scott was worried so this morning at work I had my BP checked again(it was 110/72) and weighed myself(I had gained 6lbs in one week). After that I called the DR's office and they wanted me to come in to be seen. So this afternoon I went in, my BP was 102/70. Dr Paschall agreed that I did have some impressive swelling and because my blood pressure was good she wasn't too concerned. She attributes my swelling to being on my feet alot(I do work 48-54 hours a week) and the weather getting warmer. She said I may just swell the whole time. She wants me to get some support hose and stay off my feet as much as possible. I did have some blood work done today, just to make sure there is no other cause for the swelling.
On a more exciting note I finally got to hear the heart beat for the first time!!! It was 152, which is great! Dr. P also did a quick ultrasound to make sure the baby looked alright and wow oh wow, she looks so big now! We didn't look for the sex again because that scan is on Wed.
Goodnight all!
On a more exciting note I finally got to hear the heart beat for the first time!!! It was 152, which is great! Dr. P also did a quick ultrasound to make sure the baby looked alright and wow oh wow, she looks so big now! We didn't look for the sex again because that scan is on Wed.
Goodnight all!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Weekend
The weekend began Friday night when we went to a surprise 50th birthday party for one of Scott's old teachers/current colleague/friend. Bruce was really surprised and there were a ton of people there! the night turned into a roast/praise of the great man he is! Happy Birthday Bruce!!
Saturday Scott and I headed to Nashville to see the play To Kill a Mockingbird. It was put on the Circle Players Theater. Tickets were only $15 each! The play was really good! It is a smaller theater group so I wasn't quite sure on how it would turn out but I was pleasantly surprised! Izzy also like the play...or she was restless....because towards the end of the play she was going crazy! Scott had planned before hand that because we were going to Nashville just to spend the night, so he names his own price on priceline and we ended up staying at the Marriott on west end @ Vanderbilt. The bed was super comfy!!! I didn't want to get out of it! The view was great too! It overlooked Centennial park and the Parthenon. For dinner we went Scott's Aunt Glenda for Dinner at PF Changs. It was yummy! After dinner we hitched a ride in the free shuttle from the hotel to downtown. After some walking around we ended up at Big Bang a dueling piano bar. It was a lot of fun and as always there were interesting people there to look at ;) IT was a great day, the weather was nice and it was fun to just get away for a quite night even if it was just 30 minutes away!

Sunday was Easter. After a nummy breakfast at cracker barrel(one of Izzy's fav's right now) we headed from Nashville to Eagleville to aunt Neen's house for Easter lunch. It was great seeing everyone all together. After lunch we stopped by Alan and Judy Balls to say hi and Happy Easter. Amy and Danny and Madison Claire were there so we gave MCK her Easter basket. They have taught her well she went for the card first before she even looked in the basket :) When we got home Scott did some weed killing while I am sitting on the sofa with my legs and feet propped up. They are really getting swollen. My blood pressure is ok and I feel good so I guess it is just part of this all.

The 7th is our big ultrasound!! Can't wait!! I'll update after our appointment!
Happy Easter!
Saturday Scott and I headed to Nashville to see the play To Kill a Mockingbird. It was put on the Circle Players Theater. Tickets were only $15 each! The play was really good! It is a smaller theater group so I wasn't quite sure on how it would turn out but I was pleasantly surprised! Izzy also like the play...or she was restless....because towards the end of the play she was going crazy! Scott had planned before hand that because we were going to Nashville just to spend the night, so he names his own price on priceline and we ended up staying at the Marriott on west end @ Vanderbilt. The bed was super comfy!!! I didn't want to get out of it! The view was great too! It overlooked Centennial park and the Parthenon. For dinner we went Scott's Aunt Glenda for Dinner at PF Changs. It was yummy! After dinner we hitched a ride in the free shuttle from the hotel to downtown. After some walking around we ended up at Big Bang a dueling piano bar. It was a lot of fun and as always there were interesting people there to look at ;) IT was a great day, the weather was nice and it was fun to just get away for a quite night even if it was just 30 minutes away!
Sunday was Easter. After a nummy breakfast at cracker barrel(one of Izzy's fav's right now) we headed from Nashville to Eagleville to aunt Neen's house for Easter lunch. It was great seeing everyone all together. After lunch we stopped by Alan and Judy Balls to say hi and Happy Easter. Amy and Danny and Madison Claire were there so we gave MCK her Easter basket. They have taught her well she went for the card first before she even looked in the basket :) When we got home Scott did some weed killing while I am sitting on the sofa with my legs and feet propped up. They are really getting swollen. My blood pressure is ok and I feel good so I guess it is just part of this all.
The 7th is our big ultrasound!! Can't wait!! I'll update after our appointment!
Happy Easter!
Rockin' and a rollin'
This past week I have definitely been feeling the babe move around. It started 3 days in a row just once at bedtime and at first I wasn't sure it really was the baby but after the 3rd night I knew it was. Now for the last 3 days I have been feeling her move several times throughout the day. Kinds weird but super exciting!!
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