This past weekend was just a chill weekend. Sat Max and I just hung at the house and played while Scott went to his classroom to work. We did get our new living room furniture delivered...I didn't take any pics...sorry. Max just sat there as the men took out our old furniture and brought in the new stuff. He was tring to figure out what was going on. Sat night we met my old friends Chris and Rachel at Millers Grocery for yet another wonderful dinner from there! It had been way too long since I had seen them and this dinner was much overdue.
Sunday was Scott's first fathers day. I offered to cook breakfast but he said no. Max hid Scott's present under his crib so he had to work to find it...but it was worth the trouble. Max got the best daddy and husband in the world an IPad. Scott was quite he just has to figure out how to use it :) Scott then went back to his classroom and worked some more. He has a lot of work to do and can only go on day that I am off and can watch Max so he takes advantage of it. Scott came back home in time for dinner at his favorite place...Camino!! Scott's dad also joined us for dinner. I didn't get to see my dad, he wasn't sure what was planned for his afternoon and they were having a cookout for dinner and Scott wanted Mexican. Maybe next year.

Monday, June 20, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Up and at'em!
Our sweet little Max has learned a new trick this past week....pulling up!! I knew he was close so we finally lowered his bed, and about 30 min later he started crying so I went into check on him and.....
he was up! He did it later that night also. Over the past few days he has become a pro and pulls up on everything. He gets this satisfied look on his face when he gets up.
Saturday night we dropped Max off with Aunt Jackie(so he can get more spoiled) and met the girls(and guy) I work with in Spring Hill for dinner at Olive Garden. It was my works 2 year anniversary so my wonderful boss took everyone out to eat. We had a great time and had way too many laughs!
Max also got his 2nd top tooth on the 8th...hopefully pics soon to follow.
I guess that is all for this week!
he was up! He did it later that night also. Over the past few days he has become a pro and pulls up on everything. He gets this satisfied look on his face when he gets up.
Friday night we celebrated Jacob's(Scott's cousin) birthday. Max was in hog heaven, being pampered on by everyone! He truly loves his Aunt Jackie. He followed her with his eyes wherever she went and if she got close to him, he wanted her! I guess we know who really spoils him :) Last year I was big and pregnant at Jacob's party and remember it being sooooo veeerrryyyy hottttt, this year it wasn't as bad :) Max was worn out when we got home, he was a limp noodle. He even stayed asleep as I changed his diaper and put on his pajamas.
Max also got his 2nd top tooth on the 8th...hopefully pics soon to follow.
I guess that is all for this week!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
We took the short 3 hour trip to Atlanta over the weekend to meet up with Aunt JoAnn(she lives in South Carolina and the ATL is about halfway). We were planning on leaving Sat morning but ended up saying Friday afternoon..hey lets go now, so off we went. Timing worked out well because it was Max's nap time and we stopped just as he woke for dinner. He did good the rest of the way. This was a test for our drive to FL later this month. As we were driving we were talking about how often we like to go on trips and have realized in Max's short 10 months he has already been to 7 states, flown on 6 planes, rode in a taxi, on a subway train, and been in the ocean(just his toes when he was 3 mo old). The way I figure it the more he is exposed the better he will be :)
We got to Atlanta right at Max's bedtime, so no adventures Friday night. Sat morning we got up(well Scott and Max had more fun playing than getting ready) and went down to the lobby for breakfast. We love a hampton inn, plus they always have a decent free breakfast. Now Scott and I LOVE some frozen yogurt; if you were to look at our bank statement you would see why the workers at Sweet Cece's know our names; so of course the first thing we did we google for a frozen yogurt place. We settled for Menchies, not quite as good as CeCe's but it was self serve, had 14 flavors, and mochi which I like! After getting back to the hotel Aunt JoAnn arrived. She brought Max a super cute bucket filled with a couple surprises. He LOVED the cars. This was the first time he has played with them and I guess it is just in a boys genes to love a car. Once we regrouped we were off to do some shopping!
First stop was Atlantic Station. This is an outdoor mall that has H&M. while we were in NYC Scott and Max got a few great deals at H&M so we were quite excited to come here. Sadly we were quite disappointed. Not a single purchase. The infant boys had a very small section and Scott could not find anything he liked(reminder: he is super Just another reason why we need to go back to NYC. After some yummy lunch it was off the the mecca of shopping.....IKEA! Now I love an IKEA and Scott and I found a birthday present for Max there so off we went. This was Aunt JoAnn's 1st time there and she was super excited. Now if you have never been in an IKEA the store is huge and there are usually a ton of people there, They don't have isles, just a pathway you are supposed to follow that leads you past everything in the store. Max did good in his stroller as long as he was moving. Aunt Joann got several great deals and we got Max his present(not telling you what it is will have to wait like he does). Back to the hotel we went to get ready for dinner. We ended up choosing a Mexican restaurant called The Prickly Pear. The food was good and so was my Margarita!! It was a bit loud and more bar'ish/club'ish than we thought but we went early enough that Max still has not had his first body shot experience. After dinner we went back to the hotel so poor Max who spent most of the day in his stroller could play in the pool. As always he had a blast!
Sunday was a tad disappointing. We had planned to go to Atlanta Underground but when we got there at 10:45 we realized it didn't open until 12. We didn't want to pay to get into any attractions so we were left with nothing to do but head home. I am so glad we could meet my Aunt and have a little fun!!!
We got to Atlanta right at Max's bedtime, so no adventures Friday night. Sat morning we got up(well Scott and Max had more fun playing than getting ready) and went down to the lobby for breakfast. We love a hampton inn, plus they always have a decent free breakfast. Now Scott and I LOVE some frozen yogurt; if you were to look at our bank statement you would see why the workers at Sweet Cece's know our names; so of course the first thing we did we google for a frozen yogurt place. We settled for Menchies, not quite as good as CeCe's but it was self serve, had 14 flavors, and mochi which I like! After getting back to the hotel Aunt JoAnn arrived. She brought Max a super cute bucket filled with a couple surprises. He LOVED the cars. This was the first time he has played with them and I guess it is just in a boys genes to love a car. Once we regrouped we were off to do some shopping!
First stop was Atlantic Station. This is an outdoor mall that has H&M. while we were in NYC Scott and Max got a few great deals at H&M so we were quite excited to come here. Sadly we were quite disappointed. Not a single purchase. The infant boys had a very small section and Scott could not find anything he liked(reminder: he is super Just another reason why we need to go back to NYC. After some yummy lunch it was off the the mecca of shopping.....IKEA! Now I love an IKEA and Scott and I found a birthday present for Max there so off we went. This was Aunt JoAnn's 1st time there and she was super excited. Now if you have never been in an IKEA the store is huge and there are usually a ton of people there, They don't have isles, just a pathway you are supposed to follow that leads you past everything in the store. Max did good in his stroller as long as he was moving. Aunt Joann got several great deals and we got Max his present(not telling you what it is will have to wait like he does). Back to the hotel we went to get ready for dinner. We ended up choosing a Mexican restaurant called The Prickly Pear. The food was good and so was my Margarita!! It was a bit loud and more bar'ish/club'ish than we thought but we went early enough that Max still has not had his first body shot experience. After dinner we went back to the hotel so poor Max who spent most of the day in his stroller could play in the pool. As always he had a blast!
Sunday was a tad disappointing. We had planned to go to Atlanta Underground but when we got there at 10:45 we realized it didn't open until 12. We didn't want to pay to get into any attractions so we were left with nothing to do but head home. I am so glad we could meet my Aunt and have a little fun!!!
Friday, June 3, 2011
10 months old!!
Max has been very busy this past month. He is really becoming less baby and more toddler....don't get me wrong he is still a baby. He has quite the personality. He is a sweetheart but when he doesn't get his way he lets you know! I blame his stubbornness on Scott and temper on me..... He has also started throwing his head back when he cries, temper tantrums here we come. Now we try our best to ignore him and not feed into his fits(he doesn't have them every day) to hopefully prevent them from escalating :) Max also finds the littlest things hilarious. He will almost loose this breath laughing if I put his paci in my mouth and spit it out. I also think Max(who has been saying da da for a couple months now) is started to realize that da da is Scott.
Max is quite the eater. I think he would eat all day long if we let him. He is still breastfeeding but is weaning himself. On days I work he will nurse in the morning before I leave for work and in the evening before bed(I pump twice at work and get about 6oz). On days I am home I try to add in a feeding before his lunch and mid afternoon. He doesn't always eat good though. I am still making most of Max's food. I love that he is getting to try so many different foods that he wouldn't get to if he was only eating store bought food. I am hoping by letting him eat a lot of different foods he won't be a picky eater like his dad. We are giving him cereal and about 2oz of fruit in the AM, 2oz fruit and 2oz veggie for lunch, 2ozfruit or veggie and about 2 oz of yogurt for dinner. He also eats a bowl of puffs for a snack and puffs/soft fruit in small pieces/ small cheese cubes after his dinner while we are eating. The biggest acomplishment Max has had in the food department is drinking out of a sippy cup. He is now on average drinking 6-8oz of milk a day out of his cup. That is a big relief for mommy b/c I was stressing about him not getting enough milk(supposed to be his main source of calories) a day. He is still not getting what he should but much closer. I have a TON of milk in the freezer so we are set for a while.
Another HUGH accomplishment for Max is sleeping through the night in his crib. Thats right- through the night in his crib!!!!!!!!!! Scott and I finally were sleep deprived enough and I was worn out of nursing Max 3-4 times a night that we just cut him off. The first few nights were rough. It would take about an hour to get him to sleep. We would lay him in his crib and turn on his mobile pat on his belly till he was "asleep". As soon as we walk out of the door he would start crying. We did our version of the Modified Ferber Method. I could not let him cry long and we already had a good bedtime routine so this fit us best. He would wake during the night a few time but we would turn the mobile back on, reinsert paci, pat and then leave. Max now falls asleep in about 10min and usually only wakes once during the night(5am ish) and goes right back to sleep. I am nursing him before I leave for work about 6:30am and I lay him back in bed and most mornings he is sleeping until 8am. Great for Scott who is on summer break.
Little Max is also starting to use his legs. He will pull himself to his knee's but has not fully pulled up. However if you stand him up he will stand for a pretty good time. He loves it! I have found that when I go to sit him on the floor he will straighten his legs and try to stand. Todat while we were at the pool he actually pulled himself all the way up on his feet and took a few steps while holding onto the edge of the pool. Now he was in about 3 inches of water and water can make it easier...but it was only 3 inches, so I am calling today his first time pulling all the way up!
I am amazed at how our little boy is growing and learning. I am sad to see him grow but so excited to see him changing. It is an amazing experience to watch a child grow!
Max is quite the eater. I think he would eat all day long if we let him. He is still breastfeeding but is weaning himself. On days I work he will nurse in the morning before I leave for work and in the evening before bed(I pump twice at work and get about 6oz). On days I am home I try to add in a feeding before his lunch and mid afternoon. He doesn't always eat good though. I am still making most of Max's food. I love that he is getting to try so many different foods that he wouldn't get to if he was only eating store bought food. I am hoping by letting him eat a lot of different foods he won't be a picky eater like his dad. We are giving him cereal and about 2oz of fruit in the AM, 2oz fruit and 2oz veggie for lunch, 2ozfruit or veggie and about 2 oz of yogurt for dinner. He also eats a bowl of puffs for a snack and puffs/soft fruit in small pieces/ small cheese cubes after his dinner while we are eating. The biggest acomplishment Max has had in the food department is drinking out of a sippy cup. He is now on average drinking 6-8oz of milk a day out of his cup. That is a big relief for mommy b/c I was stressing about him not getting enough milk(supposed to be his main source of calories) a day. He is still not getting what he should but much closer. I have a TON of milk in the freezer so we are set for a while.
Another HUGH accomplishment for Max is sleeping through the night in his crib. Thats right- through the night in his crib!!!!!!!!!! Scott and I finally were sleep deprived enough and I was worn out of nursing Max 3-4 times a night that we just cut him off. The first few nights were rough. It would take about an hour to get him to sleep. We would lay him in his crib and turn on his mobile pat on his belly till he was "asleep". As soon as we walk out of the door he would start crying. We did our version of the Modified Ferber Method. I could not let him cry long and we already had a good bedtime routine so this fit us best. He would wake during the night a few time but we would turn the mobile back on, reinsert paci, pat and then leave. Max now falls asleep in about 10min and usually only wakes once during the night(5am ish) and goes right back to sleep. I am nursing him before I leave for work about 6:30am and I lay him back in bed and most mornings he is sleeping until 8am. Great for Scott who is on summer break.
Little Max is also starting to use his legs. He will pull himself to his knee's but has not fully pulled up. However if you stand him up he will stand for a pretty good time. He loves it! I have found that when I go to sit him on the floor he will straighten his legs and try to stand. Todat while we were at the pool he actually pulled himself all the way up on his feet and took a few steps while holding onto the edge of the pool. Now he was in about 3 inches of water and water can make it easier...but it was only 3 inches, so I am calling today his first time pulling all the way up!
I am amazed at how our little boy is growing and learning. I am sad to see him grow but so excited to see him changing. It is an amazing experience to watch a child grow!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Memorial day weekend
We had a GREAT 3 day weekend! The Bolden Fam did just about nothing! Scott worked some of the weekend in his new classroom throwing away stuff from 1950 and setting it up how he wants it(he still has a lot of work to do!), and Max and me just chilled.
Max did have his last swim lesson on Sat...he passed! For all you moms with young babies, however I do not recommend it. At least the Patterson Park one. I wasn't expecting Max to do a backstroke or anything, but all we did was play in the water and do the same thing each week. Didn't really learn anything. But Max had fun! Later that afternoon we did a little shopping(B-R-U had Plum baby food and Gerber on sale for 10/$10, and organic puffs 3/$5). I am still making his food but having a little store bought can come in handy on occasion. Sat evening we went to Will's baseball game. This year he is on a traveling team so we haven't been able to go to as many games as we usually do. Boy was it hot! I did take a few pics of Will....he is their pitcher.
Sunday basically involved nothing but our Sunday night dinner at Camino with the Bryants. We always ran into them on Sunday nights so we decided just to join them each week :)
Monday morning we got up, ate breakfast and went to the neighborhood pool. No, we did not wait 30min before getting in the water....bad momma! This is the perfect time to go to our pool. It was quite and the only people there were the grannys that live in the retirement section of the hood. Got to love an old granny! Max had a fun time in his float and I got a little exercise swimming around the pool dragging him. Monday evening we headed to Columbia for a cookout with my dad. Max got to play with his cousins.
Happy Memorial day!!
Max did have his last swim lesson on Sat...he passed! For all you moms with young babies, however I do not recommend it. At least the Patterson Park one. I wasn't expecting Max to do a backstroke or anything, but all we did was play in the water and do the same thing each week. Didn't really learn anything. But Max had fun! Later that afternoon we did a little shopping(B-R-U had Plum baby food and Gerber on sale for 10/$10, and organic puffs 3/$5). I am still making his food but having a little store bought can come in handy on occasion. Sat evening we went to Will's baseball game. This year he is on a traveling team so we haven't been able to go to as many games as we usually do. Boy was it hot! I did take a few pics of Will....he is their pitcher.
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passed out while shopping |
Sunday basically involved nothing but our Sunday night dinner at Camino with the Bryants. We always ran into them on Sunday nights so we decided just to join them each week :)
Monday morning we got up, ate breakfast and went to the neighborhood pool. No, we did not wait 30min before getting in the water....bad momma! This is the perfect time to go to our pool. It was quite and the only people there were the grannys that live in the retirement section of the hood. Got to love an old granny! Max had a fun time in his float and I got a little exercise swimming around the pool dragging him. Monday evening we headed to Columbia for a cookout with my dad. Max got to play with his cousins.
Happy Memorial day!!
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