Wednesday, August 10, 2011

1 year Dr Appointment

366 days ago we brought Max to see Dr. B for the first time.  He was 6 days old.  Today he is 1 year and 7 days.  He has gone from 6lbs 8oz to 20lbs 1oz.  14lbs sure makes a big difference!  Max also measured in at 29 inches long today.  He is still 10-25th percentile for weight and a solid 25th percentile for height.  Scott thinks he is going to be a!  Dr. B and me went over milestones and Max passed with flying colors.  Things on the checklist include pulling up, walking along furniture, clapping, playing patty cake or peak-a-boo, waving, saying a 2-4 words, feeding himself, and drinking out of a cup.  The only thing listed he hasn't done yet was taking a couple steps independently.  Dr. B said he doesn't really expect a baby to start walking till they are about 15mo so Max is definitely not behind.  Max wasn't so sure about the Dr examining him this time, we had to distract him to keep him from fussing.  Dr. B is very happy with Max's circumcision, and said for all the trouble we had he is glad we don't have to get it redone.  My poor baby got 4 shots today...and apparently the 1year shots are rough.  Nurse Jackie warned me that all 4 of these burned...and boy did poor Max scream!

Reading about his shots...little did he know..

A few things Max has recently started doing is barking(he got a dog for his birthday that barks and the next thing we knew Max was barking), saying VROOOMMM when he pushes a car, he brings books to me so I can read them to him, and occasionally letting go when standing up for a few seconds.  We are also working on "OK" and "moo".  His moo sounds more like a growl, but he is trying.

Max has also started with a little separation anxiety. Some days he is ok, but others he clings to us and crys when we leave him.  This is a bit upsetting but I know the crying doesn't last long and it is normal for his age.

We have also decided to keep Max facing backwards in the car for now.  The law currently states 1yr and 20lbs and you can face them forward, so we could turn him...but the new recommendations say to stay facing backwards until age 2.  We haven't had any problems with him facing backwards and he still seems happy so until we have issues Max will continue to see where we have been, not where we are going.

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