Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween from the Boldens!! This year the festivities began with a bonfire at Aunt Jackies. Last year Max was almost 3 mo old this year he was walking and all over the place! We had a good time but had to leave early because someone was very sleepy and would lay down on the ground. The next day was Halloween and the 3 of us dressed up and headed out to do some trick or treating. This year I gave in and the 3 of us dressed like Peanuts characters. Scott was Charlie Brown, I was Lucy, and sweet Max was Snoopy. I figured it had to be done and might as well get it done and over with before Max is forever scared :) We stopped by Neen and Uncle Jack's and then Aunt Jackie and Uncle Pauls, then off to a party at the Grave's house. We didn't actually trick or treat. Max can't have the candy and neither Scott or I need it...maybe next year. Max had a great time!!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Fall Fun Friday!! Year 2
Fall is my favorite season. The smell of the air, color on the trees, apple cider, perfect weather...I could go on. Anyways last year was Max's 1st fall so I decided to start Fall Fun Friday(FFF). Last year he was so young so all we did was take pictures, play in the leaves, and carve our pumpkin. This year I had bigger plans...until I woke up and it was cold and raining. So FFF ended up being spread into 2 days. On actual FFF Max and I made some sugar cookies. He was actually really into helping. He just didn't like it when I turned the mixer on. Of course he tried to eat some raw dough as well. I had to be the mean momma and stop him(raw eggs!). While Max napped I decorated the cookies. I should say Max decorated them, but no I am just that good of an artist :)
After cookies we carved Max's pumpkin. We got his pumpkin a week or so ago from Uncle Pauls Produce stand. When I cut off the top of the pumpkin was was amazed at the inside of it. However he did not want to reach in it to get the guts nor did he want the guts on him. He did help pick up the seeds one at a time to put in the bowl though.
Sat. afternoon it was sunny and not too chilly so we continued on with FFF, and it was even better because daddy got to come with us! We went to Max's first pumpkin patch! Lucky Ladd Farm is in Eagleville and is actually right across the road from Scott's mom's house. We got to feed the animals, play in a corn box, go down the slide(many times bc Max loves a slide), go on a tractor train ride, and almost milked a cow...if only his arms were longer :) Max had a great time!!
Check back next year for another edition of Fall Fun Friday!
After cookies we carved Max's pumpkin. We got his pumpkin a week or so ago from Uncle Pauls Produce stand. When I cut off the top of the pumpkin was was amazed at the inside of it. However he did not want to reach in it to get the guts nor did he want the guts on him. He did help pick up the seeds one at a time to put in the bowl though.
Sat. afternoon it was sunny and not too chilly so we continued on with FFF, and it was even better because daddy got to come with us! We went to Max's first pumpkin patch! Lucky Ladd Farm is in Eagleville and is actually right across the road from Scott's mom's house. We got to feed the animals, play in a corn box, go down the slide(many times bc Max loves a slide), go on a tractor train ride, and almost milked a cow...if only his arms were longer :) Max had a great time!!
Check back next year for another edition of Fall Fun Friday!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Max's 1st Haircut!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Yes another Vacation....
We love to travel...if you haven't figured that out yet...so for Scott's fall break we took advantage of a great Southwest deal(we both flew round trip for under $200) and jetted off to Charleston, SC and then drove down to Savannah, GA. This was Scott and Max's 1st time in either city and my first time to remember it(I went as a young child according to my parents). Max did great traveling as always except for a brief screaming baby on the plane moment when we were taking off from Nashville. Our flight left at 6am and I thought that would be good hoping he would just sleep. I should have known better. Mr. Nosey was wide eyed the whole time until we got on the plane and he realized he was VERY tired but did not want to go back to sleep. Once in Charleston we got our rental car, yet again another great deal from Priceline, and off to Savannah. After checking into the hotel we did a little sight seeing, dinner, then a early bed time. Scott and I were up at like 3:30am. Max is great at going to bed, he has a great routine.....well we were in a new place and his routine was shot to H E double hockey sticks. Needless to say the Valet at the hotel got to see one tired grumpy mama, whoops I meant baby as he got our car so Max could be driven around until he fell asleep. The next nights went a bit smoother.
The next morning we got our dinner reservations for The Lady and Son's Restaurant, bbreakfast, then hopped on the tourist mobile AKA trolley. Now the only form of transit Max hasn't been on is a ferry or ship. We loved the trolley tour. We could hop on and off as we pleased and got a lot of info! Dinner of course was excellent! Neither Scott or I could barely put a dent in our food though. So sad to waste. We loved Savannah! So gorgeous and my fav part was the gardens in all of the squares. Every block or two was a square and you could just sit, stroll, or even play surrounded by history.
Our last day in Savannah we drove out to Tybee Island(only about 20min from Savannah). You will not see any pictures. We never even stopped. We did not see what all the fuss is about. Tybee is just a VERY small old typical beach town. There wasn't even a public parking area where you could get out and walk on the beach. You just had to find a random spot somewhere on a street. That is great if that is what you love but we like a little more action. Scott and I never even stopped the car.
Charleston is another very historic city. We did some touring of our own the first night, and ended up with some yummy cupcakes :) The downtown historic area is very spread out so we decided to take yet another tour. This time by Mule! the guide was talking about the mules and how they get theirs from Middle TN. Represent!! Another great tour but Max was ready to get off about 15min before we were done so a slightly fussy baby kept us entertained. After our tour we hopped in the car and went to Boone Hall Plantation. This was my favorite stop. This plantation is also known as America's most photographed plantation. The driveway is lined with 200 year old oaks and the house has been in several movies including The Notebook(the summer home of the Hamiltons). We toured the house, slave cabins, and even a tour of the actual plantation grounds via open air coach. Then it was off to the airport for our journey home.
Out of both cities Scott and I would go back to Savannah over Charleston. Mainly because Savannah is much more walking friendly and that their historic area is so spread out.
The next morning we got our dinner reservations for The Lady and Son's Restaurant, bbreakfast, then hopped on the tourist mobile AKA trolley. Now the only form of transit Max hasn't been on is a ferry or ship. We loved the trolley tour. We could hop on and off as we pleased and got a lot of info! Dinner of course was excellent! Neither Scott or I could barely put a dent in our food though. So sad to waste. We loved Savannah! So gorgeous and my fav part was the gardens in all of the squares. Every block or two was a square and you could just sit, stroll, or even play surrounded by history.
Our last day in Savannah we drove out to Tybee Island(only about 20min from Savannah). You will not see any pictures. We never even stopped. We did not see what all the fuss is about. Tybee is just a VERY small old typical beach town. There wasn't even a public parking area where you could get out and walk on the beach. You just had to find a random spot somewhere on a street. That is great if that is what you love but we like a little more action. Scott and I never even stopped the car.
Charleston is another very historic city. We did some touring of our own the first night, and ended up with some yummy cupcakes :) The downtown historic area is very spread out so we decided to take yet another tour. This time by Mule! the guide was talking about the mules and how they get theirs from Middle TN. Represent!! Another great tour but Max was ready to get off about 15min before we were done so a slightly fussy baby kept us entertained. After our tour we hopped in the car and went to Boone Hall Plantation. This was my favorite stop. This plantation is also known as America's most photographed plantation. The driveway is lined with 200 year old oaks and the house has been in several movies including The Notebook(the summer home of the Hamiltons). We toured the house, slave cabins, and even a tour of the actual plantation grounds via open air coach. Then it was off to the airport for our journey home.
Out of both cities Scott and I would go back to Savannah over Charleston. Mainly because Savannah is much more walking friendly and that their historic area is so spread out.
Monday, October 3, 2011
14 Months!
Time just keeps trucking on in little Max's life...and he is close to trucking along as well. Max finally decided he likes his "walker/car" and has started pushing it all around the house...well actually if an item can be pushed Max uses it to help him walk around. When you go to set him down instead of sitting he straightens his legs so you have to stand him up. He will walk all around holding onto the walls and will go from furniture object to wall to chair....you get the point. I go up to him and say lets go walk and he will get up and hold one finger on each of my hands and off he goes, sometimes he will even walk just holding onto one finger. As soon as I let go though he plops to the floor. What I think is super cute is when I go into another room and he realizes I am gone he starts yelling "Lacey"(Scott and I both swear that is what he is saying; yes he is calling me Lacey before ever saying mama) and I will say where I am and a few minutes later there he is pushing his "walker/car" and he is so proud of himself!
Max has gotten a little picky about his veggies; only eating peas so we have became a little creative. So we have found out he loves a spinach omelet, veggie fries, and any of the pouch baby foods such as plum organics and happy baby. Those come in super handy! We just take the cap off and hand it to him and he sucks it right out. Happy baby also makes "Munchies" that a packed with veggies but like a cheese puff. We also tried to switch him over from cow's milk to coconut milk but he was not a fan, we even mixed it with cows milk; he would not drink it. We found out that coconut milk has no cholesterol about half the calories and twice the calcium of cows milk and it has more vitamins. On the Silk website you can see a comparison chart. Oh well....but I have noticed that both kroger and publix brand milk is from cows that are rBST-free.
Saving the best for last on Oct 1st Max was a very busy boy. First he started the day by deciding MAMA was a better name for me than Lacey!! Yea! Finally! Now he says mama all the time! Then later in the day while Scott's mom was over visiting she and I witnessed Max take his first step! Then a few minutes later we tried to get him to do it again and he did. As soon as he takes the one step he realizes what he did and sits down...but it counts!! He has since then taken a few more steps between Scott and I, but never more than one at a time. Max's sign language is also progressing, he now says please, thank you, drink, eat, all done, and more.
We left on Vacation on the 3rd(Max's 14th mo) and I didn't get an actual posed 14mo pic, so here is a pic from my phone as we were taking off on the plane.
Max has gotten a little picky about his veggies; only eating peas so we have became a little creative. So we have found out he loves a spinach omelet, veggie fries, and any of the pouch baby foods such as plum organics and happy baby. Those come in super handy! We just take the cap off and hand it to him and he sucks it right out. Happy baby also makes "Munchies" that a packed with veggies but like a cheese puff. We also tried to switch him over from cow's milk to coconut milk but he was not a fan, we even mixed it with cows milk; he would not drink it. We found out that coconut milk has no cholesterol about half the calories and twice the calcium of cows milk and it has more vitamins. On the Silk website you can see a comparison chart. Oh well....but I have noticed that both kroger and publix brand milk is from cows that are rBST-free.
Saving the best for last on Oct 1st Max was a very busy boy. First he started the day by deciding MAMA was a better name for me than Lacey!! Yea! Finally! Now he says mama all the time! Then later in the day while Scott's mom was over visiting she and I witnessed Max take his first step! Then a few minutes later we tried to get him to do it again and he did. As soon as he takes the one step he realizes what he did and sits down...but it counts!! He has since then taken a few more steps between Scott and I, but never more than one at a time. Max's sign language is also progressing, he now says please, thank you, drink, eat, all done, and more.
We left on Vacation on the 3rd(Max's 14th mo) and I didn't get an actual posed 14mo pic, so here is a pic from my phone as we were taking off on the plane.
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