Sunday, September 12, 2010

Busy week

So I am a slow blogger... I just don't have a lot of time to blog anymore. I would rather love on my little booger bear! This past week Max and I went on a few adventures.

Tuesday we got up and went to Lewisburg to visit my Co-workers at PCL express. They didn't know we were comming and they were very pleasently surprised! I didn't think to take any pictures. I did weigh Max and he weighed right at 9 pounds! Now that was after he ate so I was guessing he weighed a little less than that. Now I did have to feed Max while I was there and that was a challenge. Max is a very picky breast feed baby. He will only eat in one position which is the football hold(pretend you are running with a football tucked under your arm, head is by breast feet are by my back) and he will only eat with a nipple shield. I went into the office and sat in a computer chair and tried my best to feed him. It was hard to hold him(I didn't bring the boppy with me...whoops!) so I was uncomfortable and so was he and he fought me the whole time...I was a bit frustrated but he ate.

Thursday Max and I brought Scott lunch up at his work. Scott was quite excited to get to see Max during the day!

Friday morning Max and I got up and got ready and headed to Columbia. First we went to the ACC where I worked for about 3 years. I love and greatly miss all my old coworkers(FRIENDS). They were super excited to see Max and he was happy to meet them! We had lunch there and hung out for a little while. This time I brought milk in a bottle for Max and brought my pump with me. I feed him a bottle at lunch(instead of whipping the boob out and trying to make it work) and them went into a office and pumped. Max got a few gifts while we were nice of everyone!! Thanks! After lunch I called up my friend Erin and Max and I met her for a pedicure. Max enjoyed his snuggle time with Erin! Once again he wanted to eat so I gave him the milk I pumped at lunch in his bottle instead of breastfeeding at the nail salon. After our nails I went to my dad's house where I pumped and we waited for him to get home from work. After a little visiting Max and I headed home. It was a long day and I was worn out but we had a great time....and Max was great the whole time!!

Saturday night our friends Meredith and Josh had a wedding couple shower(they are getting married in just a few weeks!!). We dropped Max off with Aunt Jackie while we were at the shower. It was our first real time leaving Max and going out by ourselves. We both had a great time but I did find myself talking about him and wanting to call and check on him. I didn't call because I knew he was in good hands. We did leave about 9pm....probally the earliest we have ever left a party!

Today we got up and headed to Church. This was the first time for Max. We went to the Eagleville Baptist Church. Scott has been a member there his whole life and we got married there. Max did good during the service but it was going to be time for him to eat while we were there so I once again brought a bottle with us and Aunt Jackie feed him. After Church we went to Neen's house to visit(I pumped) and than back to Murfreesboro to get lunch and go home to nap :)

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