Sunday, October 17, 2010

Shot time!!

This week was my first official full time week back to work. It was nice to be out of the house 4 days but I really did miss Max, especially on Sat when Scott and him were hanging out. I missed being home with my guys :)

Max had a pretty eventful week. Wed while at Mrs. Cathys he decided to act crazy and make her earn her money. His stomach must have been upset because he cried and screamed all day and left her 9 dirty diapers. When I got home that night he was still a little grumpy but did fine that night. Thursday we had Aunt Jackie watch Max because Mrs. Cathy was unable to and boy oh boy did they have fun. I meant to get a few pictures from her. Aunt Jackie and Max went up to her work(TOA) to show him off and then Neen and Uncle Jack came over and played with him. I was told they had a blast! Even Uncle Paul came in from the produce stand, Max thought he was super funny and made all kinds of noises at him. Thanks again Jackie for watching Max!!

Friday was Max's 2 month appointment with Dr. Bigham. He was happy until I got him out of his car seat and started to undress him. He then cried until I put him back in his car seat and we started to walk out of the exam room. Dr. Bigham said he looks great but he does have a small adhesion(skin stuck/regrown) where his circumcision is. He said he will see how it looks at his 4mo appointment and if needed we will go see a urologist to get it fixed. I am really hoping it looks better, he has already been through enough with his penis :) We are also starting Max on reflux medicine. He has been spiting up and has been really fussy when eating and the Dr thinks it is reflux that is sitting in the back of this throat and irritating him. we will try it for 2 weeks to see if it helps, if so we keep him on it, if not we stop it. He has only been on the medicine for 2 days and he hasn't spit up once, fingers crossed. Developmentally Max is doing great. I had to fill out a check list. The only one I couldn't cross off was pushing himself up on his forearms while on his tummy. Max does not like tummy time, he just starts crying, however he does lift his head up and can move it side to side so the Dr wasn't worried. He said the big milestone we look for at 4 months is rolling over or almost rolling over. Max weighed 11 pounds and is now 22 1/2 inches. He has gained 4lb and 8oz and has grown 3 inches from out 1st visit with Dr. B. That puts him at the 25th percentile for height and weight(right on track) and his head was 35th percentile(also good). Max did get 3 shots and a oral vaccine. He was crying the whole time but did good with the shots. He did let out a louder scream after the shots were given(the immunizations can sting). I premedicated him with tylenol and gave it to him for the next 24hours. He did great at home. Not fussy and no fever. We even went out to the Eagleville park to bring Scott lunch(his school had Eagle strut and the kids got to play in the park most of the day). Max slept the whole time, no swing time for him :(

Max has also become quite the wiggle worm. We have stopped using the sleep positioner because he wiggles down and his head stayes between the side supports. Noe every night he turns 90 degree's as he sleeps. I lay him is his bed vertically and when I get up to feed him he is laying horizontally.

Today(Sunday) we went to Eagleville to go to Church. We met Aunt Jackie and Jacob and then went to Neen's for lunch....Yummy! Scott and Max are currently at the Haley's working of stuff for the Eagleville FFA alumni trivia night. I'm trying to get Max to take notes so he can come home and tell me what the categories will be...I'll let you know if it works :)

Stay tuned next week, I have a big day planned for me and Max Friday as long as the weather cooperates :)

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