Friday, December 10, 2010

Busy social calender

Max has become a popular man in the birthday circuit. This past week we had 2 birthday party's to go to. This first one was for Madison Claire. This precious princess has been in our lives for 2 full years now and I can hardly believe it! Her mom and dad threw a great owl themed party in Eagleville. We found Max a owl shirt at old navy so he was all decked out in theme too. MCK got a ton of gifts and it was soooo funny watching her open them. Max even sat with big Al and just watched her open them for most of the time. She also practiced blowing out her candles so when the time came she was a pro! Amy(MCK's mom) made these super cool owl ornaments for everyone to have. Max's is already hanging on our tree. Happy birthday Madison Claire we love you!!!

The next day we headed over to the Bryants for Cohen's early 1st birthday party. You can read all about Cohen's miraculous entry to this world here. Instead of bringing Cohen and present his mom asked that we bring books and blankets to be donated to Baptist Hospitals NICU(GREAT IDEA!!). Anyways the party was packed! Santa and Mrs. Clause were even there! Max got to sit on Santa's lap and tell him everything he wanted for Christmas. Max even got to hang out with his friend Wyatt. All these birthday party's have really got us thinking and planning for Max's 1st birthday....I know we are crazy, but I am a planner :) We have already decided on a day and the theme. LOL

Sunday morning we had our first snow flurry's of the season(and Max's first flurry's ever!). I was so excited because we were getting Max's 4mo pictures taken that morning by Kate Crafton. We went outside for a few pictures and you can see the snow in the pics!!! Here is a link to view his 4mo pics. Password is Lacey.

We have managed to get up 3 trees this year. We got a new family tree(9 feet tall!!!!!), a tree in the dining room, and of course Scott's snoopy tree upstairs. We even have 3 pencil trees(our forest) and a fiber optic tree. Needless to say Max doesn't know where to look :)
Max and I go to the Dr next week for his 4mo check up. I'll try to post about all of his stats! I went to the thyroid DR this week and had some more blood work done and am having a ultrasound on my thyroid next week. The DR is checking for the cause of my hyperthyroidism. He did say my thyroid is enlarged and I have at least 1 nodule on it possibly 2. Treating my hyperthyroidism may be tricky because I am nursing and the medications used can harm Max so once we know for sure what is going on we will try to plan on how to treat it and still allow me to nurse.

Speaking of nursing all is GREAT!! Max still spits up a few times a day(only when he nurses not after eating out of a bottle???? very confusing) but is not in pain and is not fighting eating. We have even now been almost 48 hours without any shield use! I am almost ready to throw it away(Scott said we should wait a few more days).

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