Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursday Max update

Well today was the big doctors appointment where we hoped to know exactly when Max will be here.

Here is a recap- I have lost 4 pounds :) that was some fluid that I have lost due to bedrest. My blood pressure is still 130's over 80's so Dr. P has me listed as mild preeclampsia or PIH(pregnancy induced hypertension). With mild PIH you do conservative management and monitor closely, when my bottom number on my blood pressure stays in the 90's or top stays in the 150's you need to deliver. My cervix is not dilated. My amniotic fluid levels are still great and Max does not look like he is in any stress.

Options we were give today- #1 my cervix needs to be dilated to at least a 2 in order to start pitocin(medicine to start labor) and induce my labor. My cervix is still closed so she would put me in the hospital today and put medicine on my cervix to get it to ripen or dilate. This could take up to 24 hours. After my cervix has dilated to at least a 2 she can start the pitocin to start contractions and continue to progress my labor. This process would take about 48 hours. During this 48 hours I would not be allowed to eat or drink. And Dr P said by the end of the 48 hours I may be to tired and worn out to have Max.
#2 She would stimulate my cervix in the office by scratching it and trying to get it to open some. This should help ripen and dilate my cervix and also stimulate some contractions. Then back home and back on moderate bed rest. Continue to monitor my blood pressure and if my bottom number stays in the 90's to call her. Also if I have regular contractions or my water breaks to let her know. A lot of women who have their cervix stimulated go onto labor in the next 24-48 hours. Go back to see Dr P on Monday as long as nothing happens before then.

We chose option 2. I did not feel that 48 hours without food or drink with be beneficial for me or Max....or Scott. The cervix stimulation was not pleasant. It was a bit painful and has left me with a crampy achy feeling. I have taken part of a pain pill so I'm hoping that the pain will get a bit better.

Dr P also said that on Monday when we go back to see her we will know more but she for sure would not let me go past Thursday of next week. It is a bit frustrating because everyone wants to know when he will be here and are trying to work out their schedules and we don't know. It seems like every time we see the Dr the "he will be here by this date" date changes. But I guess that is because the longer he can stay inside me the better for him and I am still hanging in there.

If anything changes we will update as we can :)

1 comment:

  1. Try not to stress about everybody elses schedule Lacey. Just focus on you & Max. Birth is unpredictable, they should all know that. I know it would be more convenient to be able to tell them a time, but we both know that's just not how it happens! Call me if there's anything I can do!
