Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy Birthday MAX!!!

Max William Bolden entered this world at 9:35pm on August 3rd 2010 at 7lb's 9oz's and 19 1/2 inches. He is a pure joy and we are in absolute love with him!! His entry into this world was a long one but so worth it!

I was given medicine to get my cervix to dilate Monday night and at 6am they started me on a pitocin IV to get my contractions started. I was still only dilated to a 1-2. I was feeling good no problems with the pitocin. Around noon Dr P came in and wanted to break my water because I wasn't really having any good contractions and this would help to progress labor. Well I hadn't had any pain med's yet and due to my anatomy this was not sucessful because I was screaming in pain. After that I was give some IV Stadol(a older pain medication) and boy oh boy did that mess me up! Everyone in the room was cracking up saying was sooo loopy! After that they wanted to do my epidural so Dr P could come back to break my water again. After 2 attempts the epidural was in place. It was not this horrible scary experience that people say it is. Just a little burn when they numbed me. My epidural was fine, I could move my legs and my right one was a little numb, but the nurses were not concerned about my legs :) Because I got a epidural I had to get a catheter, after 2 attempts at that it was in place...yeah 2 attempts for my medical friends, I mean come on! Dr. P came back in at 4 and broke my water, still hurt but tolerable. That is an odd feeling and at one point I felt like it was shooting up on my leg by where Scott was standing. Now for those who know Scott he does not handle any thing medical well so I said watch out Scott! If it would have got on him it would have been over, he would be puking or on the floor :) After my water was broke Dr P put in an internal contraction monitor to get a better reading of my contractions. By breaking my water that would allow Max to slide down further and put pressure on my cervix to get it to dilate more. I was also on the max dose of pitocin now.

And the waiting began.....Everyone kept going up to the contraction monitor and discussing how big my contractions were....I didn't feel a single one. At about 7:30 I convinced everyone to go get dinner and at 8:15 the nurse came back in to check me, we were hoping for a dilation of 4-6....I was a 2!! At this point I was tired and my body apparently was not wanting to cooperate so I said to the nurse if the dr is ready for a c-section so am I. I was prepared for a section because the Dr had warned me I had a narrow pelvis and a c-section was a high probability. The nurse came back in at 8:30 and said c-section at 9pm! Scott got right on the phone and called everyone to come back. We pulled out our camera's and low and behold both cameras had dead batteries!!! Ahh that horrible number 2! Scott ran out to the waiting room and got aunt Jackies camera, dressed in his paper outfit and off we went to the OR. Scott had to wait in a chair outside the room until they were ready for him, he said it was like Grey's Anatomy out there with people scrubbing up, he got a kick out of it. While this was going on I was getting strapped to the table and loaded up on medicine for my epidural. Once Scott was in the room they began and Scott leaned over to me and said "it smells in here", I then proceeded to tell him that was "my burning flesh" he said "oh"...good thing he was sitting down. A little while later we heard that sweet cry of our little boy and got to meet him for the first time :)
Scott went with the nurse to the nursery where Max got weighed, measured, bathed, and his first shots. Max had quite an audience for this- My mom, dad, and Vicki, my brothers Jimmy and Daniel, Scott's dad, brother Josh, Aunt Jackie. I was wheeled back to my room and the family came in and all told me how beautiful Max was and trickled out for the night, it was getting late. I got to see Max about 10:30. The first thing I said was "oh my he looks just like my dad"!! Scott and I loved all over him and then I tried to feed him for the first time. He latched right on and did great! We did send him to the nursery (I was still a bit drugged up) and they brought him to me every few hours to feed him. It was a very emotional night, I was so in love with him, we both are!

1 comment:

  1. Max is so precious! You did good Lacey! Oh and you too Scott=)
